How we work with you.
Although we offer ClickPrintShip in a few different packages, the finished product you get is a truly custom designed and customized e-commerce website application.
Our Experience
Because our background is in the commercial printing and digital imaging industries, we are first and foremost, just like you. We totally understand the particular needs of print shops and photo labs because we have spent our careers working for others as well as ourselves.
This also means that we understand that no two shops or workflow requirements are identical and that certainly, no two customers are identical as well. The CPS web-to-print (W2P) solutions we provide you with are carefully crafted to reflect your branding, your custom product offerings and your overall style of doing business.
CPS is unique as an online software developer system for printers in that it is built-out to accommodate your services, your pricing and most importantly, the custom work your clients rely upon you for. Contrary to some popular misconceptions, a properly constructed e-commerce website can actually enhance and facilitate your relationship with your clients. Our CPS system provides your potential clients or existing customers with an unprecedented level of customer service, super-efficient and secure system of communications.
Just Better
With its instant estimating feature, CPS eliminates the lengthy waits for custom quotes that your customers despise and the additional workload on your estimators that you dread. With the CPS back-end dashboard serving as a command center for client communications, such as proof approvals, job status and follow-ups to customer inquiries, you save time, money and minimize costly mistakes.
Again, we built CPS for ourselves because we wanted to fix all of the aspects of the print procurement process that we believed to be broken. Let us work with you to improve your web-based workflow and help you solve the problems that drive you crazy everyday.
We also know from our own experience that no one likes to be dependent upon some agency or busy IT person to make changes to the content of your website. CPS is built with the ease of updating and editing your content in mind.
Making changes to the front-end of your CPS store is as easy as composing and sending an e-mail (and just as fast!) We utilize CMS (Content Management Systems) in the construction of our websites so that you are liberated to make changes to keep your content fresh, relevant and perhaps most importantly, search engine friendly (do not panic, however, because we are there if you need us to help you with your content management, 24/7).
Bottom Line
We built CPS to fix print, but we also fixed a lot about the web development process that we (and therefore you) didn’t like as well. We built it for us and we are very proud to share it with you, our fellow printers!Í