Delphine Arnault

Allegra Hicks

Nadja Swarovski

Alexandra vonFuerstenberg

Jennifer Woo

Samantha Boardman

Kiera Chaplin

Inheriting Beauty
The definitive photography book
of modern society women.

Shot by Roger Moenks, the book profiles 80
personalities such as Amanda Hearst, Delphine
Arnault, Nadja Swarovski and Roberta Armani.
The book will include quotes by designers
including Giorgio Armani, Valentino, Tom Ford
and Isaac Mizrahi.

The book will be launched in Paris through an
exhibit hosted by Armani at Palais Chaillot during
Couture Week, Spring 2008 and in New York
during fashion week.

Inheriting Beauty will be published by Powerhouse
and distributed in fashion venues worldwide.