focalSUITE™ for Artists and Galleries

A unique suite of tools created for artists to organize, find and share their artwork and other digital assets. Great for galleries representing multiple artists as well.

What are Digital Assets?

Digital Assets are intellectual properties held in “digital” format. They include, photos, sketches, architectural plans and drawings, critical documents and other valuable digital resources.

How does focalSUITE work?

Digital Assets are uploaded to our secure servers where they are “tagged” by you with descriptors that identify and catalogue the assets. These descriptors enable rapid search and retrieval of your assets and facilitates assembly for easy grouping, viewing and sharing. You may also upload entire folders or groups of assets at one time, creating duplicate organization of your assets instantly accessible online.

How can focalSUITE help me make money?

focalSUITE gives you the ability to sell your artwork online, either as originals or reproductions, however your studio works. You control the public display of your work and decide what is for sale, with the click of a mouse, you can add an item and remove others. This creates a “virtual art gallery” with the organization, tagged descriptors and distinct attributes that serve as your online inventory of your work for your own viewing and for sharing with others either publicly or privately, as you wish. Learn more...

How long does it take to set up FocalSUITE?

Typical installation and set up takes approximately 24 hours. At this point you will gain full access to start uploading assets and building your SUITE. If you desire additional design and customization, a detailed estimate will be provided.

What kind of computer/connection do I need?

Our service is a web application. We host your SUITE and all your assets on our secure servers. Your SUITE will work with all modern web browsers on Macs and PC’s. Supported web browsers include; Internet Explorer 6 & up, Netscape, Safari, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox (Recommended for both Mac and PC). There is no local installation required.

What about training?

With your license fee you are entitled to 1 hour of training per user based on the # of users included in your license fee. Continued training is available upon request on an hourly basis.

What about security/privacy of my work?

focalSUITE gives you total control over who sees what. We provide you with the ability to assign viewing/editing permission as you determine appropriate.

Can you convert my hard media from analog to digital?

We offer scanning services upon request... Contact Us

Pricing and Features for Artists

License Fee: One-time charge for installation , set up, user training and automatic product/security updates. Each user is entitled to one hour of product training, additional hours available.

Licensed Artist: A “licensed artist” has administrative control over the focalSUITE software. They can upload/download digital assets, assign passwords and create other artist or administrative accounts, assign descriptors and tags, organize assets. *You may add artists to your account, please contact us for more information.

Guest: A “guest” is given permission by the “licensed artist” to view the artwork. A “guest” has no administrative capability and, cannot control modify or download the high resolution artwork without permission.

Support Types/Fees: Monthly fee is paid on the 15th of each month. The fee pays for support, maintenance, file storage and hosting.

Lite Support: Guarantees an instant confirmation email and a resolution or query for more information within 4 hours during normal business hours of 8 am to 8 pm EST.

Basic Support: Entitles you to email support as above, as well as phone support with a 4 hour response-time guarantee.

Premium Support: Entitles you to phone and email support, as well as a dedicated relationship manager for your account. You will have direct email and phone information for your relationship manager.

*Custom Design: Our talented team of designers will custom design your SUITE to reflect your brand and corporate identity. Please Contact Us for more information.